Two Concept Notes for Angola

UNDP – Program Design: Developing two GEF Projects for Work Program inclusion: (1) Ecosystem Restoration in Angola’s Extended Central Plateau; and (2) Luanda’s Climate Resilience Urban Project. Assist UNDP Angola in the development of Concept Notes for two new projects: one to be included in the GEF’s Ecosystem Restoration Impact Program in GEF8 (“Ecosystem Restoration […]

Guinea-Bissau Adaptation PRODOC

UNDP Guinea-Bissau: International consulting firm: GEF Climate Change Adaptation The goal of the contract is to Assist UNDP CO Bissau with overcoming hurdles for getting project “Strengthening climate information and early warning systems for climate resilient development and adaptation to climate change in Guinea-Bissau” approved by the funding agency (the GEF), by UNDP and the […]

Djibouti Biodiversity and Land Deg

UNDP – Redesigning a GEF Project Document for Djibouti – Project document review, revised and finalization (International Consultancy) The UNDP GEF project titled: “Conserving Biodiversity and Restoring Ecosystem Functions in the Day and Mabla Mountains”. After the first submission of the project documentation to the GEF, the project documentation received a series of critical comments […]

Timor-Leste: comprehensive mapping of climate and geo-risks 

Timor-Leste: comprehensive mapping of climate and geo-risks What can a rather small island state with 1.3 million inhabitants do to address climate-driven disasters? Timor Leste is a country located in a region particularly sensitive to the impact of climate change and the effects of El Niño. Disasters caused by climate are common and we have […]

Training of female leaders from Ghana in Berlin

Goethe Institute in Berlin: Provide training to a group of CSO female leaders Ghana on “Resource Mobilization for Climate and Sustainable Resource Management” Through this brief contract, we assisted the Goethe Institute in Berlin with tasks related to the hosting of 12 civil society female leaders from Ghana by proposing relevant activities according to their […]

Cabo Verde Climate Transparency System

Client: LUXDEV Cabo Verde Luxembourg Development Agency in Cabo Verde, under the Climate Action Program: Services for design and Implementation of the National Climate Transparency System |In the framework of Climate Action Program (CVE/401) receiving financial resources from the Governments of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Republic of Cabo Verde EBD Global Optimum […]